Category Archives: Blog

What’s the Deal with Fluoride in My Water?


The controversy over fluoridated water is making news lately, as more and more concerned citizens question their local governments about the benefits and possible drawbacks of adding fluoride to drinking water.

In 1945, dental researchers and city officials in Grand Rapids, Michigan agreed to fluoridate the city water supply for experimental purposes. After eleven years, the results were staggering; tooth decay rates had dropped 60%.

Ever since, cities across the country have adopted fluoridation. The American Dental Association and other prominent public health organizations endorse the practice wholeheartedly.

In a situation becoming more familiar in our information-heavy world, though, people are speaking out and challenging institutions on the benefits of fluoridation. Similar to the anti-vaccine and anti-GMO movements, there is a spectrum of dissent ranging from legitimate concern to government conspiracy mongering.

It’s hard to argue with the wealth of information proving that fluoridated water has improved dental health, but it’s also important to acknowledge that many beneficial public health policies have detrimental side effects.

(For example, adding chlorine to public water supplies for disinfection purposes was one of the great inventions of the 20th century, improving life expectancy for millions. But chlorine reacts with natural materials in water to create dangerous, cancer-causing disinfectant byproducts.)

Fluoride’s drawbacks are documented at length across the web, but few have been widely accepted. A recent British study showed a link between water fluoridation and thyroid issues (hypothyroidism). One undisputed fact is that an excess of fluoride (fluorosis) causes tooth decay. There is minimal evidence of fluoride as a carcinogen.

The real issue with fluoride in public water supplies is informed consent.

Americans have always been fiercely individualistic; the explosion of the internet has magnified this trait. Citizens can now pull up information on other countries’ fluoridation practices quickly and realize that the U.S. adds fluoride more widely than any other country in the world.

People can also look up the fact that fluoride is a chemical, one being prescribed to them without consent. This issue is also at the core of the anti-vaccine movement, but there is one very important difference.

If you don’t vaccinate your child, others are at risk of catching a disease from him or her. If you don’t opt to fluoridate your water, you are not putting anyone else at risk.

This is the core of the fluoridation issue today. People deserve the option of what they consume, especially if it has the potential to affect their health.

All Evolution Healthworks drinking water products reduce fluoride content by 65%. For those wishing to remove more than two thirds of fluoride, we offer an additional filter attachment to remove 99.9% of fluoride.

Helping You Compare Water Filters

compare water filters

As awareness of the importance of clean water in the home rises, more and more people are starting to consider what water filter is right for them.

With this increase in demand, water filter suppliers are flooding (so to speak) the market with products. This can lead to confusion, especially when companies make over-the-top claims.

We don’t want to confuse you – we want you to compare the different water filters available on the market so you can decide what’s best for you and your family. Below are some simple explanations of water filter options.

Carbon Filters

Activated Carbon products are the most common filters on the market. You probably know them better as pitchers or attachments on your sink. These are helpful if you’re renting or staying somewhere temporary. They take care of foul odors and tastes, but do not remove bacteria or microorganisms.

Other than lacking in how much junk they can remove, the main downside to carbon filters is that they don’t last long. You know what I’m talking about if you’ve ever had a filter pitcher blink red at you after a month in the fridge.

Reverse Osmosis Systems

RO systems became popular because they are very powerful and filter almost all dissolved solids in tap water. They are usually installed under the sink, which is nice because they don’t take up counter or fridge space. There are a few problems with RO, though. While it filters lots of bad stuff from your water, it also removes good stuff such as healthy trace minerals. This can pose some serious health issues down the road. Another issue is that RO systems create a large amount of waste water, almost 5 times as much as they do filtered water in some cases.


The best alternative to RO’s mineral-deficient water is remineralized water. They are harder to find, but quality water filter companies often have a remineralizer included in their filtration systems. It’s important to make sure that you aren’t just adding minerals to unfiltered water, though.



These are the worst offenders when it comes to ridiculous health claims. Multi-level marketing companies got a hold of ionizers a few years back and started selling them without integrity. These are not miracle-machines, but they do have significant health benefits.

Ionizers charge minerals in the water to raise its alkalinity. The resulting alkaline water (above 7 on the pH scale) has been shown to raise overall blood alkalinity, act as an antioxidant capable of killing leukemia cells and increase bone health. These are claims backed by accredited scientific studies, not commercial science.

It’s very important to make sure you only use an ionizer with a water filter, since there is no research on the effects of ionized contaminants. Also, since water can’t be ionized – only the minerals in it – it’s important to have a remineralizer included with your ionizer.

Whole Home Systems

The water you drink isn’t the only water you’re exposed to in the home. If you live in an area with poor water quality (see the EWG’s 10 Best and Worst Water Utilities here), a whole home water filter system would be a good investment because you’re at risk from showering in contaminants.

Hot showers open up your pores, allowing you to absorb contaminants directly into your bloodstream. Similarly, water vaporizes in the heat, leaving your vulnerable to inhaled pollutants such as trihalomethanes (a byproduct of chlorine disinfectants) or fluoride.

Many whole home water filter systems cost thousands of dollars, but there are many more affordable systems on the market that will provide you with much cleaner water.

Which one is for you?

You’ve seen the options – which one fits best for you? If you’re not yet sure, we’d love to talk.

Give us a call at 619-356-3766.

In health!

5 Reasons Reverse Osmosis is Bad For Your Health

reverse osmosis bad

If you’ve researched water filter systems for your home, then you are probably familiar with reverse osmosis.

For those of you who are not familiar, reverse osmosis is commonly described as the most complete way to filter your water. In some ways, this statement is valid. Reverse osmosis uses a membrane to very finely remove almost all dissolved solids from tap water.

This sounds like a great system, right? After all, the point of water filtration is to take out all of the bad substances and leave us with safe water.

It’s not that simple, though.

To get truly safe and healthy water, it’s very important to consider the adverse effects of drinking water that has no beneficial constituents.

The World Health Organization released a report summarizing some eye-opening findings about reverse osmosis and the “demineralized” water it creates. Below are 5 reasons from the report that reveal why reverse osmosis is bad for your health.

 1. It leads to mineral deficiencies 

Water is the universal solvent. When it is demineralized – or run through a reverse osmosis system – it aggressively seeks new metals and minerals to leach and absorb.

This becomes a problem when you RO water – it leaches beneficial minerals such as calcium and magnesium from your body.

Studies from around the world over a fifty-year period agree that water low in calcium and magnesium leads to a higher rate of bone fractures, cardiovascular disease, pregnancy disorders and some cancers.

2. It makes you urinate more

This might sound obvious – of course drinking water results in more trips to the restroom – but it’s more complicated than that.

Reverse osmosis water throws off water homeostasis in the body, causing a 20% increase in diuresis (aka need to urinate).

3. It negates the nutrients you get from food

Most reverse osmosis companies will advise you to use your demineralized water for cooking. While cooking with the right water can make a significant difference, this is NOT the case for reverse osmosis.

The study explains that cooking with demineralized water actually removes about 60% of the beneficial minerals from your food. Since the majority of our nutrients come from what we eat, cooking with demineralized water can be very detrimental to your dietary health.

4. It leads to more toxic chemicals in your water

Just as reverse osmosis water is likely to absorb minerals in your body, it is also highly aggressive to materials with which it comes into contact before entering your body.

It readily dissolves metals and organic substances from your sink’s pipes, coatings, storage tanks, hose lines and fittings before entering your glass.

Low-mineral water intensifies the leaching process, raising your chances of getting lead poisoning from your kitchen’s plumbing.

5. It’s less thirst-quenching

The report explains that since demineralized water throws off homeostasis in the body, it leads to more thirst.

What’s wrong with a little additional thirst? It means more of all the problems listed above. Welcome to the vicious cycle of reverse osmosis.


What’s an acceptable alternative?

It’s important to look for a Drinking Water System that reintroduces healthy trace minerals to your water, in addition to removing harmful contaminants.

The Aura H2O Water Filter not only removes 99.9% of contaminants, but also adds minerals such as calcium and magnesium back to your water. Also, the Evolution Healthworks system wastes no water, compared to the average reverse osmosis system that wastes about 5 gallons for every 1 it filters.


More info: The World Health Organization on Water, Sanitation and Health
Protection and the Human Environment 


Five Benefits Of Drinking Water


Chances are you’ve heard the mantra, “Drink 8 glasses of water a day.” This is certainly not a bad daily goal as water is crucial for life and when you consider that our bodies are made up of 60% water, you can see that drinking water is essential to good health.

Water should be thought of as an essential nutrient for your body. There are ways in which
to get your “water fix” that include drinking glasses of it, consuming it in other liquids and in water-centric foods (think watermelon as an example). Your body loses large amounts of water daily and it’s crucial that you take steps to replace and replenish it.

Dehydration can occur if you don’t replace the fluids your body loses, and this happens even more quickly in warmer climates and when you’re undertaking vigorous activity. Water can help keep our minds sharp, our skin clear and our organs functioning optimally.

Here are five ways, and reasons, to make certain you’re getting enough water to keep your body health:

  1. Water can help you control your weight. Eating water-based foods or eating soup can help with calorie control because these foods can help you feel fuller and therefore eat less. Dieters have long understood the benefit of drinking water as a way to control weight.
  2. If you drink water you will help your body maintain a balance of its fluids. Digestion, circulation, saliva creation, transporting nutrients and regulating your body temperature will occur.  If your body is low on fluids your brain will tell you that you’re thirsty. Listen to your body and grab a drink. Remember, even though coffee and many sodas are made with water, they also contain caffeine and sugars and that could lead to sleeplessness and weight gain (from the sugars in the soda)
  3. Keep your muscles strong and energized by drinking water. Water helps your body maintain its electrolytes and keep your muscles from becoming fatigued. Even if you’re exercising in a swimming pool, you could still become dehydrated and your muscles could become fatigued. Drink up during work outs.
  4.  Your skin will look better if you drink plenty of fluids. Because your skin contains a lot of water and because your skin is the protective barrier to the rest of your body it’s important that you drink plenty of water. Drinking water won’t make wrinkles disappear, but if you’re dehydrated your skin will look more wrinkled and dry; staying hydrated will simply make your skin look healthier.
  5. Your kidneys transport waste and toxins out of your body’s cells and drinking plenty of water will help your kidneys perform their function. If you’re not drinking enough, you will notice your urine is dark and could have an odor — this is a sign that you need to up your liquid intake so that your urine is light in color and odor free. Drinking plenty of water could also help prevent your body forming kidney stones — a painful by product of dehydration.

How can you get more water:

  • Get in the habit of having a beverage (a glass of water) with every meal and snack.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. Many of them have a high water content and this will add to your water intake. Consider, too that close to 25% of your fluid intake comes from food.
  • Make sure you are drinking beverages that you like. If you are “forcing” yourself to drink something you don’t like, you won’t stick with it. If you like the idea of water, but find it “boring” consider adding a few drops of lemon or lime juice to it.
  • Don’t leave home without a beverage — preferably a bottle of water.
  • If you’re looking to cut calories, make certain your beverages are low in sugar

Water Benefits Your Body And Your Beauty


Will drinking more water and adding more fluid to your diet make you a ravishing beauty? Perhaps not, but what it does is promote a positive impact on your overall health and help your body regulate temperature and it can help your skin look firmer and less dry.

Drinking seven to eight (8 ounce) glasses of water a day or getting the equivalent through a mix of beverages and foods, may just bring about positive impacts on your health and your hair and skin.

Here are some of the body beautiful benefits you may gain through increased water intake:

  • It is a natural detoxifying agent. Drinking water will help your body circulate and eventually remove impurities and toxins (through your kidneys). If you get in the habit of drinking a glass of warm water in the morning and before bedtime you will elevate your body temperature and this will make you sweat and work to flush toxins from your body. Add a couple drops of lemon or even honey to enhance the results.  Consider, too, if you don’t drink enough water you could become constipated and this can impact your digestion and overall health.
  • Speaking of digestion… water aids in digestion. Studies have also shown that drinking a glass of hot water aids digestion by not allowing the oils present in the foods you’ve eaten to harden in your intestines. Some doctors believe that fatty deposits in your intestines could lead to cancer and flushing those out by consuming hot water may prevent that.
  • Want to lose weight? Drink more water. Water will fill you up and fool your body into thinking you’re full and you will eat less.
  • Keeps your blood circulating. Drinking plenty of water will help enhance the circulation of blood in your system and this may also help burn body fat and break down harmful toxins.
  • Because drinking water aids in circulation and in removing toxins from your body, drinking water will also help repair your skin cells and increase its elasticity.
  • Drinking water daily could also lead to clearer skin and fewer acne issues because you will, again, be cleansing your body of toxins.
  • Washing your hair in warm water promotes cell growth and leads to a healthier scalp.

Make a conscious effort to drink more water every day — your skin and your body will thank you!